Nueva Imperial

Nueva Imperial (also commonly known as the watercolor city by its colorful houses) is a city and commune in Chile, from the Cautín province in the Araucanía. The Cholchol commune separated from Nueva Imperial after the 2002 census.
Nueva Imperial (also commonly known as the watercolor city by its colorful houses) is a city and commune in Chile, from the Cautín province in the Araucanía. The Cholchol commune separated from Nueva Imperial after the 2002 census.
The Toltén commune is located approximately 100 km south-western from Temuco, it covers a total surface of 860.4 km2. Its capital is the town known us Nueva Toltén.
Toltén means “Trol tren” in mapudungun, onomatopoeia that has no roots of its own, but recalls the sounds made by the ocean waves as they hit. Its communal capital is Nueva Toltén, built in its current position after the tsunami that destroyed the old city in 1960.
Located 85 km from Temuco, Puerto Saavedra isa fishermen town founded in 1885 by Cornelio Saavedra. Here you can find the Maule beach, where the Imperial river mouth used to be found before the earthquake and tsunami in 1960. It is also possible to go up the Mirador hill and get a panoramic view of the valley.
This commune belongs to the Cautín province, in the IX Araucanía Region. There are three urban areas: Barros Arana, Hualpin and Teodoro Schmidt, the least being the commune head.
Teodoro Schmidt is located 72 km from Temuco, in an area of wide beaches, agricultural and cattle farming industry, being these the main economic activities having the potato, wheat and oat as the most important products.
This area has rainfall throughout the year, although at a lower scale during summer.
Temperatures in the coldest months reach an average of 18 º (64°F)and -3 ºC (37°F), while during summer it can get up to 10ºC (50°F).
Called “The three floor city” due to its particular geography, Carahue stands out for being neat, with an extremely attractive urban fitment design. This commune belongs to the Cautín province, in the IX Araucanía Region; its history comes from the times when Pedro de Valdivia founded it as La Imperial in 1551, which later changed to its current name after its refoundation following the occupation of Araucanía in 1882.
The suspension bridge that crosses the Imperial river and the Ruta del Mar are some of the attractions of the city. It has a warm, mild and rainy weather, with rainfall all the year although with less intensity during the summer season.
The average temperature in winter can vary from 18°C (64°F) and 3°C (37°F), while in summer the average goes over 10°C (50°F).
En las ciudades principales el comercio abre a las 10:00 hasta las 19:00 hrs en invierno y en verano hasta las 20:00 hrs. Algunos establecimientos cierran al mediodía, pero en general se pueden encontrar supermercados y almacenes abiertos.
Para realizar caminatas en los parques nacionales, se recomienda llevar alimentación y mucha agua. En verano, las temperaturas pueden superar los 30ºC, por lo que es necesario tomar precauciones necesarias para protegerse del sol y del calor, tanto en áreas silvestres protegidas como en las diversas localidades.