
This commune, according to the population projections, had about 28.2 thousand inhabitants in 2013, which represents 2.8% of the projected population for the Araucanía region and the 0.2% of the projected population in the country. It is located 29 km from Temuco.


Great peace and rest can be breathed in the city of Perquenco, the communal capital, which offers Temuco inhabitants or to people from other greater cities, the possibility to relax and know this zone’s attractions. It is located 55 km from Temuco.
The constant rural-urban inhabitants’ development can be observed in its streets and main Squares; as well as its main avenues which are crowded by diverse varieties of trees, giving Perquenco a nature beauty seal.
The community’s patron saint is Sebastián, their protector. The religious festivities take place on January 20th and March 20th, where masses and religious processions are celebrated. Many people from different sites attend to pray and ask for “mandas” (religious vows) to the saint in Perquenco.


Cholchol, founded in 1881 and located beside the river under the same name. It proudly preserves the traditions of the Mapuche people, maintaining its ancestral culture alive. Situated 29 km from Temuco, there are many options to visit such as the Mapuche Museum and the locations of Huiñoco and El Peral, offering interesting initiatives for indigenous tourism.


It is a Mapuche town of great charm located in the Cautín province, Araucanía region. It is situated in the middle of the Imperial river basin, which allows using its resources. Over 70% of the population is rural, having the forest industry as a main commercial activity, focusing on pine and eucalyptus production.
Since 2014 and thanks to its Mapuche high density population, Galvarino declared Mapudungún as an official language, being the first territory in Chile to do so.
A rainy weather prevails in the region, although in a less scale towards north; in this way, the average annual temperature reaches 12.9ºC (264.2°F).


The Cautín province commune is in the Araucanía region, located 30 km (19 miles) north from Temuco. It was named after the Mapuche leader and strategist from the XVI century, famous by its feats during the Arauco war. His figure and wild rebelliousness were considered a source of inspiration and an example for the great personalities of the American independence struggle. The city of Lautaro was born after a fortress installed in 1881, during the expedition meant to integrate the Araucanía and was founded on February 18thof the same year. It is an interesting city situated along the Cautín river.


How to get there



En las ciudades principales el comercio abre a las 10:00 hasta las 19:00 hrs en invierno y en verano hasta las 20:00 hrs. Algunos establecimientos cierran al mediodía, pero en general se pueden encontrar supermercados y almacenes abiertos.


Para realizar caminatas en los parques nacionales, se recomienda llevar alimentación y mucha agua. En verano, las temperaturas pueden superar los 30ºC, por lo que es necesario tomar precauciones necesarias para protegerse del sol y del calor, tanto en áreas silvestres protegidas como en las diversas localidades.