
Both cities are located by the side of the Villarica lake, offering travelers all kind of activities: sun and beach in summer, snow in winter, hot springs, outdoor sports, mountain and volcano climbing during all year, in addition to restaurants, pubs, bars, farmers’ fairs, local product stores and a casino. In both cities, the inheritance of the German settlers is combined with the traditions of the Mapuche people and the influence of foreigners from several parts of Chile and the world, transforming them into cosmopolitan places.


The regional capital, founded in 1881, is the main connectivity point in the Araucanía region, being an administrative, commercial, financial, academic and cultural center, whose population today reaches around 315 thousand inhabitants.
The Mapuche people contribute with their hallmark in farmers’ fairs and squares, where craftsmanship and a rich variety of food products are offered to people. Within the most recommended places we have the Anibal Pinto market, the Araucanía Regional Museum, the Pablo Neruda Railroad National Museum, the Temuco municipal theater, the Ñielol Hill Natural Monument and the Temuco Casino, which encompass an important number or cultural, nature and pure entertainment features offered by the city.