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Padre Las Casas is a city and commune located in the Araucanía region, part of the city of Temuco. Founded on September 1st, 1899, situated south from the Cautín river, it was initially called “Villa Alegre”. On June 2nd, 1995, the Decree-Law N°19,391 from the Interior Ministry was published which originated the administrative unit today known as the Padre Las Casas commune (old neighborhood or Temuco area). Today it has 75,225 inhabitants and It is the second most populated commune in the Araucanía region.

30 kilometers (17 miles) south from Temuco, it is located in the Pitrufquén commune, its name means “ashes place” and belongs to the Cautín province in the XI Araucanía region.
Its population is as diverse as rich in its origins, with an important Mapuche and Spanish legacy as well as from some immigrant settlers from France, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, among others.
The main activities in the commune are the agricultural industry, cattle farming, forestry and industrial ones; standing out the production of milk and fine woods. The weather in Pitrufquén is warm, mild and rainy, present all year getting to an average of 17.4ºC (345.2°F) in summer and 8.0°C (176°F) in July.

Loncoche can be found in the southern limit of the Araucanía region, in the province of Cautín, 85 km (53 miles) from Temuco. This commune stands out for its productive potential towards the agricultural industry (minor fruit production) and livestock (sheep and cattle), and also for its internationally acknowledged craftsmanship. There is also a museum where items from the Mapuche people and information about the history of the commune can be found. Loncoche is a quiet, peaceful, safe city, bathed by the Cruces river crystalline waters and suitable for family life. It is close to big cities and its location along the Ruta 5 Sur, make it a strategic city for touristic activity.

Capital of the commune of the same name, and belonging to the Cautín province in the Araucanía region, Gorbea is located between the Maulén and Lau Lau hills, 47 km (29 miles) from Temuco, with Quitratúe and Lastarria as its two urban centers, bordering north with Pitrufquén, west with Toltén and south with Loncoche and Villarrica.
The city is known by a rural atmosphere, kind and simple, which offers beautiful landscapes and a rich flora and fauna variety. The weather is warm, mild and rainy, temperatures vary from 17.2º (342°F) in summer and 7.6º (168°F) in the middle of winter.

The regional capital, founded in 1881, is the main connectivity point in the Araucanía region, being an administrative, commercial, financial, academic and cultural center, whose population today reaches around 315 thousand inhabitants.
The Mapuche people contribute with their hallmark in farmers’ fairs and squares, where craftsmanship and a rich variety of food products are offered to people. Within the most recommended places we have the Anibal Pinto market, the Araucanía Regional Museum, the Pablo Neruda Railroad National Museum, the Temuco municipal theater, the Ñielol Hill Natural Monument and the Temuco Casino, which encompass an important number or cultural, nature and pure entertainment features offered by the city.


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